Friday, March 12, 2010

Is it ok to wear high heels when you have a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle a few days ago. When I walk with regular shoes on or barefoot at home, my ankle hurts. However, when I tiptoe or wear high heeled boots, I don't have pain in my ankle when i walk. Is it safe to wear heeled boots/shoes when I have a sprained ankle? It feels better, but I'm not sure if there are any health risks in the long run if I do that.

Is it ok to wear high heels when you have a sprained ankle?
I would hate t hear that the injury ti your ankle might get worse because you only feel ok wearing high heels. I would suggest going t the Doctor and make sure you have not damaged more that you might thin you have. By the way are you giving it time ti heal. That;s vary important during this time. Just kick back and pamper your self and read a book and enjoy some time ff from the hussel and bussel and heal yourself.
Reply:I would not recommend for you to wear high heels if your ankle is still sore. Just make sure that your ankle is supported good by your shoes, not heels. Try wearing an ace bandage around the ankle and see if that helps.
Reply:High heels are not the best shoes to wear in the first place, but especially not with a sprained ankle. I'd say don't wear them. And as some one said above me, one wrong step could cause permanent soft tissue injury.
Reply:It's a bad idea. It may feel okay but a sprained ankle is a weak ankle. One wrong step and you could cause soft tissue damage that could cause permanent injury. I would not risk it.
Reply:Wear whatever is comfy....
Reply:High heels are always bad for you; they throw off your entire alignment; feet, knees, back, everything. If you wear them while any part of your leg is healing, you risk doing even more damage. Especially in a healing process make sure the injured body part is in proper position!
Reply:definitly a bad idea. Wearing heals make it easier to turn your ankle again and also having your ankle heal while only wearing heels doesnt sound good.... Just ice it and deal with the pain, it should be better in a few days.
Reply:I wouldn't go with the heals, as the others have posted....


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