Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Shoe line research. What do ladies want in fashion shoe?

1) What is the most you have spent on a pair of "fashion" shoes....i.e. heels,sandals,boots,sexy shoes.. Not sneakers 2)What is more important to you in a shoe style or comfort? 3)Do you travel and wish you had the ability to carry less shoes with you but not have to sacrifice your style options? 4)Is your closet filled with shoes? Half being shoes you wear only a few times a year?5)If you could take one shoe and transform it from one print (lets say black) to a sexy leopard print within one minute and it would look seamless and sexy would you be interested in that shoe line? If not why? What would you want to see in a shoe?5)Would you be more likely to buy this shoe line if you knew part of the purchase price was going to a womens charity? Also, would it intrigue you to know the story behind the shoe line....a woman inventing,patenting, and making her dream come true no matter the challenges she faced? Would that encourage you to believe in your dreams as well? Be blunt! thanks

Shoe line research. What do ladies want in fashion shoe?
1) I spent $300 on a pair of banana yello boots. Also I've spent around $80 on Nike Sneakers for fashion purposes.

2) Confort is slightly more important than style, but I won't buy an ugly, comfortable shoe. I guess it also depends on what you mean by stylish (as in, whose sense of style)

3) Yes

4) No.

5) Yes

6) Only if the shoe was good. I would not buy a low-quality shoe just to see money go to charity. I like to know the story of the people behind the shoes. (take a look at Fluevog Shoes - for a company that is very successful at marketing the personalities behind their shoes.
Reply:I want.. Style and comfort.. and it has to be affordable, I don't like to spend a lot of money on clothing that isn't going to be worn reguraly. the most I've spent is about $80.00


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